Eldon and I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend. Now, it’s Cyber Monday and this incredible InnerTalk sale ends tonight. All of our libraries and albums have been deeply discounted, PLUS you can take advantage of our Buy 3 Get 1 Free. Mix and Match to your hearts content—the special offer applies to all InnerTalk programs. Placing the fourth item in your shopping cart will trigger it to automatically adjust the price so that one of your items becomes fr ee! And there is no limit—place 8 items in your shopping cart and it will automatically adjust to give you 2 for f r e e !
Take advantage of these super low prices and get some gifts for those you love and perhaps something special for yourself at the same time. You deserve the very best and so do your loved ones! We really want you to realize your hopes and dreams. Give a gift that really keeps on giving—the patented and proven effective life empowering InnerTalk technology.
Wishing you Love, Light and Laughter, always!
Ravinder Taylor
Deep Discounts On Our
Most Popular Libraries and Albums!
All of these best selling collections
are being offered at Huge Discounts!
Buy them for yourself and as gifts for others.
Our finest libraries:
- Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power—our most complete prosperity library. A $599 value, yours for just $199.
- Mystical Mind: A Path to Mastership—A complete training course for the 21st Century Mystic! A $519.95 value, yours for just $199.
- Health and Wellness—maximize your mind/body connection and create your healthiest you! A $279 value, yours for just $99.
- The Master Secret: Happiness is Success—discover the seven fundamentals that will change your life! A $559 value, yours for just $199.
PLUS our popular albums, regularly $251,
yours for only $89!
These titles include:
- Healing from Abuse—Let the abuse go, and set yourself free.
- Overcoming the Blues—Gain a sense of serenity, peace, balance, and harmony.
- Maximizing Brain Power—Sharpen your cognitive abilities.
- Mastering Dreams—Open this channel of communication and gain an understanding of what your dreams hold.
- Emotional Detoxing—Why allow others to infect your attitude and spoil your day?
- Reclaiming Your Inner Power—Heal those inner wounds and reclaim your ultimate esteem.
- Fit and Healthy—Achieving your fitness goals can be both fun and easy!
- Sports Fitness—Maximize the joy of sports to create the fittest you ever!
- Maximizing Income Potential—Stand out from the crowd.
- Becoming Lucky—Recognizing good luck can be as important as the luck itself.
- Deep Meditation—Meditation is the key to good health, sharp cognition, awesome spirituality, and more.
- Optimal Mindfulness—Experience a sense of inner peace and calm.
- Wealth, Money and Prosperity—Access the elements necessary to achieve the riches you desire.
- Positive Relationships—A successful life is directly tied to the quality of your relationships.
- Resolution Solutions—The perfect way to achieve your goals and resolutions.
- Super Sales Power—Learn the art of being an amazing sales person.
- Eliminating Self Sabotage—Neutralize that inner saboteur.
- Smart and Sharp—Find learning easy again!
- Spiritual Connectedness—Enhance your spiritual connection.
- Eliminating Stress—Experience joy, regardless of the pressures you are under.
- Essential Pillars of Success—Master the key components vital for creating success in your life.
- Creative Thinking—It only takes one idea to change your life!
- Healthy Eating for Weight Loss—Learn to enjoy the natural flavors of all the foods that are good for you.
- Fulfilling My Writing Dreams—Writing can be a path for transformation for self and society.
- Forever Young—Live life to the full, whatever your age!
Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power
Our most complete Prosperity Library at an incredible 50% discount!
28 amazing programs on 24 compact discs
Regular Price: $599
Now only $199.00!
— Get your copy now!
Success is planned. To be successful, one must engage their very best skills and abilities. Many say they wish to be successful, but they never act. The tools for success come from inner strengths more than any other thing. Fortunes have been built from nothing more than personal best!
Titles Include:
Lectures: The Inner Game;
Echo-Tech: Self-Esteem and Have It All;
OZO: Soaring Self-Confidence, Motivated Now, Success, Joy and Self-Peace;
Power Imaging: Well Being and Esteem, Creativity, Relax Now and Power Learning and Memory;
InnerTalk: Successful Networking, Confidence, Motivated Now, Unlimited Personal Power, Optimism Plus, I Visualize Successfully, I Am Creative, Freedom from Stress, Prosperity and Abundance, Millionaire Orbit, Money Manager, Time Manager, Goal Power, Have It All and Organized and Efficient.
You get 28 programs with four different technologies to facilitate rapid learning and two lecture programs to instill motivation and success thinking patterns. Learn how the best of the best and do it, day in and day out. Feel the energy as you are guided to become your very best at everything you do! Sense the power of ideas flowing through you as your creative juices are turned on with confidence and a real “do it now” attitude.
Regular Price $599 – Now only $199
Order Now
Mystical Mind: A Path to Mastership
A complete training intensive course for the 21st Century Mystic!
21 discs, two books, and a workbook
Regular Price: $519.95
Now only $199.00!
— Get your copy now!
The path of the awakened mind fused with body/spirit intuitiveness simply sees the world differently. The openness to universal life force enables them to access abilities that many believe to be pure fiction.
Titles Include:
Lectures: Six “Talks With Eldon,” incorporating numerous meditations and exercises;
Meditations: Wonder and Joy, Golden Orb, Past Lives and Other Dimensions, Out Of Body Journeys, Visit With A Master, Past Life Meditation, Healing Dream, Astral FQ, Personal Peace, Bedtime Meditation
InnerTalk: Aura Awareness, Lucid Dreaming, Spiritual Quotient, Miracle Mindedness, Serenity.
Bonus CD: Conscious Expansion (Platinum Plus + audible meditation)
You get 21 discs, two books, and a workbook—hours of exercises and meditations designed to explore and fully awaken mind, body and spirit—five years in the making and a lifetime of study.
Regular Price $519.95 – Now only $199
Order Now
Our Incredible Albums.
Valued at $251
Yours for only $89
Healing from Abuse
Abuse comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s physical and sometimes it’s verbal; sometimes it’s inflicted upon us and sometimes we inflict it upon ourselves. The long term damage sometimes caused by abuse can be unspeakable. The feelings of guilt, shame, and/or anger can lead to serious self-destructive behavior. We can lose our ability to trust, to share, to create close relationships, and so much more, to say nothing of delimiting our own worth.
As you use Healing from Abuse, you will begin to sense a new expression of freedom—for in letting the abuse and all those associated feelings go, that’s exactly what happens—you set yourself free! Free to be yourself, to achieve your highest best and to live life to its fullest.
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Overcoming the Blues
Are you feeling somewhat depressed and/or sad? Looking for something to inspire and lift you up?
The good news is, you don’t just have to put up with it and hope that is just passes. There is simply no reason to hold onto a state of mind that decays your worth and the quality of your experience. Changing the thoughts that reinforce your lethargic and blue mood will remove the cloud hanging over you and allow you to move into positive territory.
Overcoming the Blues will raise your spirits and elevate your mood. You will gain a sense of serenity: peace, balance, and harmony.
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Maximizing Brain Power
There are many reasons cognitive abilities can often decline as we age. Stress and ill-health are obvious factors, but there are two other factors that are easy to rectify.
One is of course the belief that we are no longer as smart and sharp as we used to be, and this can quickly become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We think we are incapable of performing a task, so we don’t try (or we don’t try our hardest) and the next thing we know, we really are not capable any more!
The second factor can be found in the adage, “Use it or lose it.” The more ways we can find to use our different cognitive abilities, the sharper our cognitive abilities will become.
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Mastering Dreams
For most of us, approximately 2 hours of our sleep time every night is dream time. Have you ever wondered about your dreams? What do they mean? Do they hold insights into the future? Are they warning you or attempting to guide you? What are your dreams telling you? Do you have recurring dreams? How about falling dreams? Or prophetic dreams? Are you aware of your dreams?
When you’re ready to open this channel of communication and gain an understanding of what your dreams hold, this album is for you.
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Emotional Detoxing
Emotional detoxing is something we all need from time to time. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to just shake the matter off. Sometimes our dealings with others can leave us feeling contaminated and generally uneasy. These situations can occur almost anywhere and with more people than we’re likely to suspect. So, what do we do in order to reclaim our own sense of balance and peace?
If you’ve dealt with the overbearing, the negative, the narcissist, or the emotional vampire and found yourself unable to shed those contaminated feelings, this album is for you. Why allow others to infect your attitude and spoil your day? Act now.
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Reclaiming Your Inner Power: Ultimate Self-Esteem
How much are old fears, insecurities and feelings of inadequacy holding you back today? Oftentimes, it can seem as though we have been successful at putting a band-aid over old problems and emotional hurts, as we simply get on with life. However, a little trigger here and a minor confrontation there can be all it takes for those feelings of inadequacy to come roaring back.
Now it is time to finally heal those inner wounds and reclaim your inner power.
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Fit and Healthy
It’s never too late to change unhealthy habits. With the proper attitude we can find exercise fun and rewarding. With a healthy outlook on life, we can enjoy good nutrition and pass on the fast foods and fattening sweets. With an optimistic attitude we have every right to expect a long healthy life full of smiles and laughter. With an attitude of respect and love toward ourselves, we find our body remains young, fit and healthy! Using this special InnerTalk collection entitled Fit and Healthy, achieving your fitness goals can be both fun and easy!
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Sports Fitness
Participating in sports is not something that only school children do. Sports can be a great way for everyone to get fit and have some fun at the same time.
Maximize the joy of sports to create the fittest you ever! Tune up your mind so that you are psychologically ready to get involved in sports again. Have some fun and get fit in the process!
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Maximizing Income Potential
What does it take to stand out from the crowd. How can you make sure you are the one who gets the next job or promotion, and be the one who doesn’t get laid off! Or, if you are self-employed, how can you make sure your business succeeds when others are failing?
For most people, maximizing their income potential is more challenging when the economic environment is tough. However, if you bring the right mind-set to the game, it can not only be easy, it can also be fun!
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Becoming Lucky
Everyone want to be lucky! You can join the ranks of the lucky ones but there are some requisites for doing so. Recognizing luck is something many of us fail to do. As such, we are unable to capitalize on it, or for that matter, simply appreciate it. Recognizing good luck can be as important as the luck itself.
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Deep Meditation
Research has repeatedly demonstrated the efficacy of meditation for everything from relieving stress to improving cardiac health. Meditation not only produces profound states of relaxation that optimizes health, it can also fundamentally change the brain. Whether you wish to enhance your health and wellness, increase cognitive abilities and memory, explore spirituality, awaken the sixth sense, or more, mediation is the key!
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Optimal Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
Health care professionals encourages you to practice mindfulness for blood pressure, cardiac care, stress levels, relaxation, releasing anger, improving relationships, and so forth. Other benefits include include improved sleep, reduced irritability, increased energy, improved cognitive skills, and a better performing immune system. Practitioners of mindfulness report an improved sense of self, greater abilities to focus, a higher sense of well-being, a feeling of connectedness, and an indescribable sense of inner peace and calm.
Don’t wait. Begin your daily mindfulness practice today and reap its many benefits.
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Wealth, Money and Prosperity
This album was created using the knowledge that the ultra successful have accumulated in their path to riches. Every program in the set contains important elements necessary to achieving the riches you desire and to do so in ways that honor you and everyone you interact with.
If you doubt your abilities to succeed, then remember this quote by Bill Gates, “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake.” Don’t wait any longer to begin to create your own destiny. Act now!
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Positive Relationships
A successful life is directly tied to the quality of your relationships. This holds true with friends and family, school, work, your intimate partner and every other kind of relationship you can think of. Regardless of the kind of relationship, life is simply a lot more fun when our interactions are honest, open, and respectful. We are all a lot happier when we feel that we are being heard, and when we feel inspired and charismatic as opposed to just plain boring!
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Resolution Solutions
Why is it so easy to fail at our resolutions? What happens to that firm resolve we have in the beginning, to finally make the changes we desire in our lives? Do we decide we really do not want the changes after all . . . or is there something else at play here?
The problem lies in our subconscious, or rather in the way we allow our subconscious to be programmed. New research shows that approximately 90% of our decisions are made in the subconscious and as much as 10 seconds before we consciously ‘make’ that decision! So if we are programmed to ‘fail,’ how can we expect anything else?
Stop failing at your goals and resolutions. Reprogram your subconscious so that you have the inner power to achieve whatever goal you lay in front of you.
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Super Sales Power
Regardless of the field of work you are in, sales is an important component. Being an effective sales person is a real art and requires sincerity, enthusiasm, knowledge and confidence. Even if you do not sell products of services, there are still plenty of times that you will need to sell yourself or your ideas, even if it is just at a PTA meeting or Home Owners Association!
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Eliminating Self Sabotage
Self-sabotage occurs when our subconscious mind clings to an old defense mechanism that was designed to protect us from some kind of hurt, and applies it to a situation where it is no longer appropriate. These patterns of behavior can cause us to fail in our goals despite our very best efforts. Self sabotage can affect all areas of our lives, including weight loss, relationships, addictions, employment, time management, academics and more.
Eliminating Self-Sabotage by Eldon Taylor is designed to neutralize that inner saboteur, helping you to align your inner goals of protection and self-preservation, with your outer goals of success!
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Smart and Sharp
How would you like to do something that will enable you to live longer, happier, and healthier while boosting your brainpower so that you could learn faster and easier at the same time? While this may sound like two totally different subjects, the two areas are actually very closely intertwined—the more you exercise your brain, the more you open yourself up to new experiences, the more challenges you take up, the happier and longer you will live.
Education and learning are no longer the territory of the young alone. With technology and the work-place changing, maintaining and optimizing our learning ability is vital for all ages. Find learning easy again!
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Spiritual Connectedness
Mankind has an innate spiritual intelligence, and the development or awakening of this intelligence has both social consequences and individual health benefits. Affirmations that appeal to a higher sense of being, a supreme purpose to creation, the beauty and miraculous nature of life itself, can produce remarkable outcomes.
Within the human potential rests the Divine. You are a miracle, and a part of the Creator exists within you. Find and enhance your spiritual connection, today!
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Eliminating Stress: Experiencing Joy
We all experience stress at some point—and for most of us this can happen all too frequently. Between work pressures and deadlines, personal relationships and family members, and health and time restraints, there are plenty of places to find stress! However, stress does not need to control you.
Make your days joyful, regardless of the pressures you are under. Your mood will benefit, as will your health and your productivity. Use the InnerTalk subliminal programs in this collection and watch as the stress just melts away.
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Essential Pillars of Success
There are certain character traits that must be in place if you are to experience success, regardless of the goal. You must believe in yourself, believe that you deserve, be motivated, be physically well, have a sense of optimism, eliminate stress, and refine and implement your strategies, have a clear vision and then allow the prosperity to flow to you.
Regardless of your goals, Essential Pillars provides the key components vital for creating success in your life.
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Creative Thinking
Creativity—the ability to think outside the box—is a necessary skill, whether you’re working on your next artistic masterpiece or diligently searching for a new and exciting marketing approach. This special collection of InnerTalk programs was designed with you in mind and were paired for their ability to infuse creativity into every area of your life.
It only takes one idea to change the world; one idea to build a fortune; one idea to end conflict; and one idea to change your life! Creativity spawns everything from harmony to prosperity.
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Fulfilling My Writing Dreams
Many people today dream about becoming a best-selling author. Many more think about writing their memoir, if for no other reason than to leave their story to their family and loved ones. Still others journal, sometimes recording their dreams, and sometimes putting down the significant aspects of their daily lives. The fact is, research has demonstrated how therapeutic writing can be, both for our psychological wellbeing and our physical health.
Taking a few minutes everyday to write is a well-kept secret that can lead to health and joy. It can assist in bringing balance into your life while fueling your creative juices. Writing can be a path for transformation for self and society.
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Healthy Eating for Weight Loss
Get your weight under control simply by changing your eating habits. This is the complete program for addressing all the dietary aspects of losing weight. Release your desire for junk food, salt and sugar and learn to enjoy the natural flavors of all the foods that are good for you.
We all know what we are supposed to do to lose weight—eat healthy, exercise, diet, reduce sugar intake, drink more water, etc., so why does it seem so hard? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Discover how easy it can be when you train your mind to support your goals.
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Forever Young
Up until relatively recently, most people equated getting older with loss of health, mobility, flexibility, brain power etc. But now we know that most of this is simply influenced by our attitudes. Fact is, if we think that turning 50 (or 60 or 70) means looking and feeling a certain way, then we are more likely to achieve this. If on the other hand, we see the aging process as just another notch on the calendar while we continue living life to the full, then once again that is what we are likely to experience.
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Health and Wellness
Our Complete Health and Wellness collection.
7 CDs plus 1 DVD
Regular price: $279.
Now only $99.00
Get your copy now!
Learn how much control you have over your own state of health, and how to care for and improve your wellness with proven techniques. Whether it’s a matter of staying youthful, fit and healthy, or recovering from a so-called terminal ‘dis-ease,’ the mind is, without a doubt, an important player in the ultimate outcome. Using a combination of techniques and the patented InnerTalk technology, Health and Wellness will:
- Show you how wellness is influenced by the mind;
- Accelerate your self-healing abilities;
- Enhance your esteem;
- Boost your immune system;
- Maximize the power of forgiveness; and
- Assist you in visualizing better health.
A $279 value— Now only $99.00
Order Now
The Master Secret: Happiness is Success
Uncover the Seven Fundamentals of the Master Secret and bring real joy to your life!
You get 20 programs on 16 CDs, utilizing four different technologies, and three lectures.
Regular price: $559
Now only $199.00
Get your copy now!
Whatever the tradition, the state of true happiness is recognized as a state of inner and outer balance, in harmony with one’s self and others around them. Intuitively, most of us are driven, at some point in our lives, to find and express true happiness. However, most believe that success at things brings them happiness when indeed happiness brings success at things.
Titles Include
- Lectures: Seven Fundamentals Of The Master Secret, Owning Your Own Controls, and Quality of Life.
- Power Imaging: Personal Peace.
- Echo-Tech: Have It All, Esteem, Stress Free, and End Codependence.
- OZO: Joy, Peace, Confidence, and Motivated Now.
- InnerTalk: Forgiveness, Accepting Change, Ending Codependence, Self-Confidence, Optimism Plus, Self Esteem, Ending Procrastination, and Success is Happiness
A $559 value— Now only $199.00
Order Now
*This is a limited time special offer that expires at midnight pacific time on Monday, November 30th, 2020.
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