Are you still searching for what will make you truly happy; that illusive something that will finally give you a feeling of being satisfied with your life? Is your belief system full of statements such as, “If I only had ___ then I would be happy?” The problem is life continually shows us that achieving specific goals invariably does not make us happy; or maybe it only makes us happy for a short while, before we start looking for the next thing we need to be happy. And what a crazy cycle that can be! There are seven fundamentals to happiness and they are available to all. You deserve to be happy!
Defining Happiness
How would you like to feel absolutely content with life, optimistic about the future, confident in yourself, perfectly at peace, happy with who you are, free of stress, comfortable in your relationships, joyous, forgiving, accepting, and more?
Expectation Precedes Perception
Stop and think about it for a second. When you’re having a bad day, your self-talk will go along the lines of: “I’m tired and fed-up. I can’t wait ’til I go home. I hate this job. But when I get home I still have all my chores to do. I’m just fed up.” With this kind of self-talk, no wonder you’re feeling down. But just imagine if this self-talk went along the lines of: “This is fun. I love my job. My colleagues are so much fun and I am glad to be working on this project with them. I love my life! I can’t wait to share with my family.” If this was your self-talk, your expectation of the world would change. Expectation precedes perception, and consequently our attitudes and behavior. You have the power to change, and InnerTalk makes this process easy!
Change your life today!
The Master Secret: Happiness is Success, one of Eldon’s most important collections, is filled with 20 different programs all designed to put you on the road to true happiness! This collection includes some really inspiring lectures, some headphone programs to give you that immediate boost, and a number of InnerTalk subliminal programs that will automatically change your self talk from the inside out. PLUS! We are offering this at a huge discount! Separately this collection would sell for over $559, but today it can be yours for only $149! That is an unbelievable savings of $410!
Happiness Can Be Yours!
The Master Secret audio library consists of;
- 3 inspiring seminars that will provide you with new ways of looking at issues in your life.
- 1 Power Imaging (hypnosis/guided imagery) program so you can access your own inner guidance. Using this program, you will not only discover the cause of your problem, but you will also find the solution that is best for you.
- 4 OZO programs. OZO is a headphone only technology that will give you an immediate boost into action. OZO uses a combination of tones and frequency, forceful audible coaching and the patented InnerTalk subliminal affirmations.
- 4 Echo-Tech programs. Echo-Tech is a headphone only technology that will give you an immediate boost of support. Echo-Tech uses a combination of tones and frequency, gentle and supportive audible coaching and the patented InnerTalk subliminal affirmations.
- 8 InnerTalk subliminal programs that will rewrite your internal scripts so they are in line with your outer dreams, goals and desires. InnerTalk programs do not require any special effort to use. Simply play them quietly in the background as you go about your day or all night long while you sleep.
The Key to Happiness
Happiness really can be yours!
“I just started Happiness is Success, and I have recommended you to all of my open friends, and now I am ordering other CDs that relate to exactly what I want in my life! I have wondered for many years if there was anything like this out there—it seemed to me that some people have a hard time meditating because they have so much chatter going on in their minds. It seemed like there had to be some way to get there if you really wanted to—and this is it! I am so excited.” ~ Allison R., USA
The Complete Collection
Titles Included in The Master Secret:
- The Seven Fundamentals: The Master Secret (seminar)
- Owning Your Own Controls (seminar)
- Quality of Life (seminar)
- Personal Peace (Power Imaging)
- Have It All (Echo-Tech)
- Esteem (Echo-Tech)
- Stress Free (Echo-Tech)
- End Codependence (Echo-Tech)
- Boundless Joy (OZO)
- Inner Peace (OZO)
- Self Confidence (OZO)
- Motivated Now (OZO)
- Forgiveness (InnerTalk)
- Accepting Change (InnerTalk)
- Ending Codependence (InnerTalk)
- Self Confidence (InnerTalk)
- Optimism Plus (InnerTalk)
- Self Esteem (InnerTalk)
- Ending Procrastination (InnerTalk)
- Success is Happiness (InnerTalk)
The Master Secret: Happiness is Success also comes with an inspirational booklet that includes the complete instructions on how to get the most benefit from this collection.
Success means nothing if you are not happy, but if you are really happy, then success naturally follows! True happiness is that internal sense of peace that makes the hardest of trials bearable and brings a heightened sense of joy to the good times. When you have this inner sense of happiness, everything else just seems to fall into place—your goals become easier to achieve, your relationships blossom and you attain your optimal health.
You’ll love The Master Secret! It will change your life—and that is priceless! Get your copy now and start enjoying life to the fullest! More Info.
Wishing you love, light, and laughter . . . always!
Ravinder Taylor
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Please note: this is a limited time special offer that
expires at Midnight on Monday, November 9th, 2020.